Bird on Branch Tee Shirt



I got this idea also from Pinterest. On the pinterest site, someone used a stencil of an owl, cut out of contact paper. Hey, I thought. I have some contact paper. so  I cut the branches and bird and laid them on the shirt. Then I sprayed it with bleach.

Nothing happened.

I smelled the spray. Hmm. that doesn’t smell like bleach. Does bleach go bad? Does it turn into water? Because what was in the bleach bottle sure smelled like water. So I borrowed some (real) bleach from my parents and sprayed it again. This time it worked, and worked fast! You can see the color start to change right away. I like the brown hue. It looks a little like a sunset. My fear is that it won’t wear very well, because of the weakening of the fabric caused by  bleach. The tee-shirt was on sale though, so maybe it won’t matter so much if it’s ruined faster than usual.