Sorrow’s Apprentice by Kater Cheek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Sorrow’s Apprentice: A wild west heist novel set in modern times with vampires. This is my first book in the Kit Melbourne series in several years, and the strongest one yet. Clever readers who aren’t familiar with the series should have enough to follow along with the story, but if you want to brush up on the previous novels, Dayrunner is the one that most influences this story as much of it takes place in Red Rock, Arizona with Fain and some of the characters from that book.
At this point in the story, Kit is much more accomplished in magic, having cribbed lessons from anyone who will teach her. She’s struggling to balance motherhood with the demands of working for the Guild Leader. When she first got the job, in Dayrunner, she wasn’t much more than a personal assistant, but by this book you can see that she’s really starting to come into her own power, forging alliances and enmities separate from her boss.
Much of the plot revolves around Fain’s scheme to kick his enemies out of Wolfe Ranch and take it as his own. One of the best things about this genre is getting to combine magic and technology to create unique problems with creative solutions. The plot has tons of moving parts, strong personalities at odds with each other and plenty of last-minute reversals and betrayals. I did research on heist novels and heist movies while writing this because I wanted that specific brand of fun. It feels like a success. Bad stuff happens to people and there are occasional swear words so maybe read it first before deciding if it’s okay for your kids.
This is a fantastic and fun story and I’m quite proud to share it with readers.
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