Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Seeing Things, Part 7: Rewrite, Revise, Rinse, Repeat

Dear Blog Friends, If you just started reading now, you’re in the middle of the story, so I’ll recap.  Back in 2002, I wrote my first novel.  There’s a certain blissful moment only available to novice writers where you have written something and haven’t yet gained the skill to see how much work it needs. …

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Cover Art: Emily’s Fifth Birthday

I’ve been working on using Gimp to make cover art for a pair of my short stories that I intend to publish soon.  I’ve never used Gimp or Photoshop before, but I had a copy of Gimp that I downloaded when a friend raved about how much she loved it. I found it quite difficult …

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Seeing Things, Part 6: Cover Art and Marketing

Dear Blog Friends, Since I’m an artist, a lot of people have asked me “when you get your book published, are you going to do your own cover art?”  My instant reaction was usually a horsey sound, followed by “no, of course not.”  My books deserve really good cover art, butwhen I think of “do …

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Silkscreened shirts

I made a new silkscreen of a nearly identical crow this week.  Today I silkscreened them on to my remaining tee shirts. I think I have a lot of tee shirts.  After this, I was supposed to iron them for 3-5 minutes on each side to set the ink.  This ended up kind of scorching …

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“Emily’s Fifth Birthday” and “Alternative Medicine”

Dear Blog Friends, As practice before I post my novel, I decided to post some of my short stories as singles. Like a vinyl single, mine are going to have an A side and a B side. The A side of this is “Emily’s Fifth Birthday” a very literary science fiction short story I wrote …

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