Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Vulgar Vehicles

I see the car “ornament” on the left all too often.  I strongly dislike these; to me, they epitomize vulgarity. How many of the ones on the right would we have to have before someone put a stop to it? It’s a symptom of the bizarre idea we have that we are our cars.  We …

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Blue Pitcher

I got my pieces from the last firing this week.  I had made a series of four bowls and two tumblers with the same glaze combination, so when it came time to glaze my pitchers, I decided to use the same combination on one of them, this one, so I could have a set.  It …

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More Bottlecaps

Here are some more bottlecaps I made for my friend’s birthday.  I think my favorite one is the one with the screws, followed by the one with the plastic ant in it.  It’s interesting that the words from the book become transparent when the resin hits them. Making the background and finding coordinating doohickies to …

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The Gross Thing

The other day, my kid, ( herefore known as “Big Critter”) ran into the house, quite excited. “Mommy,” she asked. “Come outside, I have something really cool to show you.” “Is it gross?” I asked. She is, after all, my kid. “Um…yeah.” “Okay, let’s go.” So she took me outside, and had me crouch down …

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Smiley Ball 16

Haven’t seen one of these for a while!