Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Glass Porcelain Charms 2

These are the second of the set of charms I made out of Bridget Harpers glass-like porcelain.  We found that using fusing paper underneath kept them from sticking to the shelf, so that saved some time and effort. They still  need to be sanded. Since I hate sanding, that’s the main thing holding me back …

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Glass Porcelain Charms

My friend and pottery mentor Bridget Harper made this special porcelain that vitrifies at a low temperature.  She warned me that it wasn’t easy to work with, but I was able to roll out thin sheets by using a pasta machine.  I stamped these with commercial rubber stamps, then trimmed them to 1″ square.  They …

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Broken Bowl

I think the crucial flaw in this bowl was the temperature at which I glazed it.  It was in the upper hundreds on glazing day, and the pieces absorbed thick layers of glaze.  I tried to feather some of it off by rubbing it with my finger once it was dry, but it wasn’t enough. …

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Oak Leaf Pendant failures

This is a second set of oak leaf pendants I made, using a different sprig mold.  I didn’t clean them up well, figuring that I could do it once they were bisqued, but that’s turning out to be not feasible.  I can’t stand the sound of dry sanding, and I’d rather make all new ones …

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Oak Leaf Pendants

For ten years, I wore a carved oak leaf made out of antler as a pendant around my neck. I wore through at least one cord, and eventually the pendant itself wore through. I was heartbroken.  I loved that pendant, but my attempts to fix it proved insufficient. I decided to make a new pendant …

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