Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Dragonflies in Amber

This technique was something I kind of made up, because the other students in the class just did their own, straightforward projects.  I saw that someone was using mica pigments on her glass work, and I have a bunch of those that I use for mixed media.  Naturally, the ones made for glass are expensive. …

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Beetles in Amber

I took a fused glass class this spring. I hadn’t been terribly inspired by anything I’d seen in fused glass, but I figured that it was one of the few types of glassworking I hadn’t tried yet, so I ought to give it a go. My first couple of pieces are really ugly. So ugly …

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Heron Book

This was the third cover of the “off white” themed series.  For some reason, this one didn’t turn out as the rest, to fix it, I cut out shapes of wings from different papers and adhered them randomly to the surface using a semi-translucent mixture of acrylic medium and Titan Buff paint.  After it dried, …

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Key Book

When I made these three books, I meant to have  a theme of off-white covers. This one started as gesso brushed over off white muslin, with stamps impressed into it for texture. You can see the faint image of a bird in the lower right hand corner of the cover. After the gesso dried, I …

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Orange Poppy Book

This would have, should have been my favorite book cover.  I started by stamping gesso designs onto muslin, and then using a wash of buff paint to bring out the details.  Since the background was so plain, I went to my old files and found a photograph I had taken last year of my yard …

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