Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

The Moon

The card ‘The Moon’ almost always has two towers, a wolf and a dog, and a creature that lives in both the water and on the land.  The symbolism is about the transition areas, about the gray areas.  It is the interstitial tarot card. While the glazing came out better on this tile than on …

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Five of Cups

Tarot cards have traditional symbols, and traditional imagery.  Most decks’ images bear some similarity to one another.  I’m most influenced by the Morgan Greer deck, which was my first and remains my favorite deck.  This card repesents partial loss, and the card in the Morgan Greer deck looks a lot like this. The color in …

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Queen of Swords

Since I got my kiln working again, I went ahead and glazed the rest of the bisqued tiles from my tarot series.  It’s been…let’s say it’s been a learning experience.  First of all, I thought that “three even coats” of glaze was a little thick, but if anything, it’s not quite enough.  I don’t like …

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Wall Mosaic 2: They took their forms from nature…

The corner and edge tiles have been photographed separately on this site and have their own pages. I made them by trailing slip onto leather-hard clay. As for the phrase, it’s a line I used in one of my novels, Alternate Susan. I don’t know what it means. It didn’t really belong in the novel, …

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Wall Mosaic 1: Girl with Scythe

This is one of the wall murals I made.  I’m very happy with how they turned out. My only concern is that, because they are not fired vitreous, they might not withstand freezing.  Fortunately, we get very little freezing here. I made the middle mural about four years ago, using a renaissance painting as a …

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