Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Red-Glazed Porcelain Test cup 2

We use this bowl to give my youngest daughter soup.  She’s the carbohydrate kid; she only likes cheese, fruit, and refined carbohydrates.  I give her soup anyway, hoping eventually she’ll grow out of her pickiness. It’s a smallish bowl, and I adore the color.

Smiley Ball 12

Scraffito Cup Two

After the first scraffito cups details all got washed out in the high firing, i decided to make it easier on myself and use a simpler technique. I used a scratchboard tool to make fine vertical lines up and down the cup, and radiating out from the center of the saucer. Since I wasn’t trying to …

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Crow Sculpture

I made this sculpture, like the falcon one, so that it would sit on a wall.  I meant them originally to both be crows, but one started looking like a falcon so I went with it.  I don’t like how chubby this looks.  Crows do not perch on their bellies like this, I’m pretty sure, …

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Frowny Ball