Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Try Book

This is one of the books whose cover creation I chronicled in an earlier post.  I started with scraps of cloth glued down on paper (a sheet from a manuscript) and layered washes of color over it in acrylic.  For the final details, I used a mixture of blue acrylic paint and gel retarder and …

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Smiley Ball 10

Red Wolf Book

Most of the making of this book I chronicled in an earlier post. I finished it with the weed-stamp on the back, using acrylic paint mixed with gel retarder (plain acrylic paint doesn’t work here, as it is too dry.)  The face on the front is a linoblock I cut of myself using a photograph …

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Unicorn Sign

Even though our bedroom is the master bedroom, and we’re not likely to change, the kids decided that our room needed to be named after a mythical creature as well. I chose the unicorn. I also noticed that you could say that each animal represents a different element, and that the unicorn would be earth. …

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Big Smiley Ball

This is my largest smiley ball, and it was coil-built rather than built as two pinch-pots joined at the lip.  It’s about fourteen inches in diameter.  It looks slightly different now, because I painted it with iron-paint after I took this photo. The iron paint is a suspension of iron particles in an acrylic paint …

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