Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Red-Glazed Porcelain Test cup 1

Bridget Cherie Harper made a batch of her own special porcelain for us to test.  Pure white and throws like a dream even when only a few hours old. The glaze is cranberry, and it came out very red.

Blue-Green Bird Book

This is one of the books whose cover-creation process I chronicled in an earlier post.  I finished up the green washes with blue acrylic printing, using commercially purchased rubber stamps. It feels a lot like cheating to use someone else’s art, but the commecrially produced rubber stamps are so convenient for so many techniques. Once …

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Scraffito Cup and Saucer

These were porcelain cups that originally had handles except that they dried too fast and the handles got cracks, so I removed them and made them into tea bowls instead.  I painted a thin black stain on it called “Seth’s Black Ink” after a ceramicist who uses this technique.  After the stain dried, I scratched …

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Smiley Ball 11

I certainly like the stronger background gradient with the new setup, but I’m going to have to fix that light issue with my next photo shoot.  I’m thinking a spotlight suspended from two speaker stands, instead of a spotlight on either side.

Falcon Sculpture

I made this because I used to have a collection of too-tiny flower pots and teapots whose lids had fused to them that I put on top of the garden wall to look at.  Unfortunately, the wind blew them over, and now most of them are broken.  This was made to sit on top of …

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