Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Mermaid Sign

Because we have more than one guest room in our house, it has become necessary to give the rooms names.  After deliberation, we decided to name them after mythical animals.  The first room to be named is the “mermaid room” because a friend who has often slept there loves the ocean and identifies with mermaids. …

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Book Covers Step 5

This is how I attach the covers.  It’s not the final step, but anything bulky that gets glued (rather than sewn, for example) to the outside goes on after this. Top left: I cut a strip of matboard to protect the spine and, after figuring out which part of the cover I’m going to use, I …

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Book Covers Step 4

I decided that the green cover would look good if there were blue stamps over it.  I have a large collection of commercial rubber stamps that are so varied (and copyright free) that I sometimes use them despite my aversion to using others’ art in my collage.  Of course, once I’d inked up the glass (with …

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Book Covers Step 3

I had some time tonight, so I painted on washes of acrylic over the book covers. This brightens them up and makes them look more cohesive. Still have very little idea as to what the final pieces will look like. I have a vague idea to make epoxy stickers for them, but haven’t tried yet. …

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Smiley Ball 6

Yet another smiley ball.  This is from the original ten, but I have another batch that will be coming out of the kiln in a week or two.  I decided I’m going to just keep making them until they aren’t fun anymore.