Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Smiley Ball 5

I’m having technical difficulties with my photography set up, which means I can’t photograph anything new until I get it fixed.  Lucky for me, I’d photographed all these smiley balls as filler for just such a contingency.

Book Covers Step 2

I want, above all, to have a kind of chaos to my pieces, the abstraction of something that hasn’t been created by human hands. This, of course, is impossible. Layer two, I rolled out some block printing ink and used some old linoblocks I cut to print on the background.  Block printing works better on …

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Book Covers Step 1

I’ve been meaning to post the sequence of book covers, because what they look like changes enormously from the beginning to the end.  First I started with three 8 1/2″ x 11″ copies of a short story of mine, which I’d converted to some funky font and printed on a laser printer. I could just …

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Reminder Book

This book started, once again, with light cotton cloth adhered to an old photocopy. The photocopy was of a dictionary page with the word “swift” on it–used for another project—but you can’t see it very well now.  To let the image show through, I cut out twin silhouettes of flying swallows before adhering it to …

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Smiley Ball 4

Some of these I left unglazed.  I did this partly because I was running out of time to glaze, and partly because I thought I might paint some with iron-paint.  I didn’t paint them with iron paint, but I did put the unglazed ones in the damp part of the garden, hoping that they might …

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