Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Smiley Ball 2

48 Birds #7: Half Flight

I started out with the gesso resist. I used a greenish wash in the background, with a Victorian bookplate design stamp providing the resist. Since I almost always stick to blue+orange as my color theme, I decided to vary it and go with a sage green+red iron oxide color theme.  I did a wash of …

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Smiley Ball 1

I’m going to use pictures of my smiley balls as filler when I don’t have another 48 birds or other 2D art to share.  They’re high fired, hand built spheres, and I made ten of them. They are in the garden now, making me smile whenever I see them.  I think I would like to …

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48 Birds #6 Who Has Fled the Garden?

I started out with a gesso resist technique, using a wash of light brown and a stamped gesso design.  Honestly I can’t remember how it looked, except that I made the mistake of thinking I’d draw a picture on the background and use it as a springboard for another design. There’s a school of thought …

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48 Birds #5 Darling Sparrow

I had read about some gesso resist techniques and wanted to try them.  The author, whose article appeared in a magazine called “Apprentice Building Blocks” from Somerset, neglected to mention whether one had to  paint the background with paint before doing the gesso resist, or whether you were to just paint the gesso on plain …

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