Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

48 Birds #4: The Sparrow Looks Up

For this piece, as with the previous one, I was hoping for a faint scratchy surface texture, like a print from a scratched negative or an etching.  My attempts to do this with beeswax were messy and unsatisfactory, so I decided to use the slight-resist properties of gesso to do the same thing. I had …

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Emu-Klear Drum

I had originally intended to finish these drums in time for Jeremy’s birthday, which falls in the last week of February (I began these in January).  I was too worried about cracks along the neck, which you can tell just by looking is going to be a major stress point, so I left them wrapped …

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Purple Haze Drum

  Jeremy had asked me to try to make a drum for him, and I said I’d give it a shot. It’s not an easy project.  Open bodied clays are easier for large projects, but they have a hollow sound rather than a ringing sound, which isn’t what he wanted.  If I coil-built it, I …

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48 Birds #3: The trouble with beeswax

Every time I see beeswax collages in the art magazines, it looks really fabulous. Every time I try to replicate it, the results are messy and frustrating. I think it doesn’t help that I’m lacking the correct tools.  I use a heat gun and a ceramic dish (I learned not to use metal!) instead of …

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48 Birds #2: “There were facts about ravens she didn’t want the others to know.”

This was a learning experience. Once again I started with watercolor paper, and wrote on it with a calligraphy dip pen. I wrote “There were facts about ravens she didn’t want the others to know.”  Once again it became quickly apparent that plain writing on a white background is BORING.  When I’d finished with the …

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