Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Tryst, Whirl, Oblique, Beast, Sky

This is the second set of twenty test tiles.  See Mince, Splinter, Incline, Arrival, Cellar for technique details. Tryst: klear over algae moss Whirl: stoneware blue over algae moss Oblique: stoneware blue over desert varnish Beast: algae moss over desert varnish Sky: klear over desert varnish

Mince, Splinter, Incline, Arrival, Cellar

These are the first of a set of twenty test tiles I made to try out glazes for my drums.  Instead of putting numbers on the backs, I put random words.  The tiles were made with a die and an extruder. These sushi dishes/spoon rests/soap dishes/paperweights make good test tiles that are also useful. The glaze …

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T.C’s Fairy

My nine-year-old daughter painted this. I’m very proud of her.

Valentine Jack

While I was making cards, I decided to make a valentine for Jeremy.  I’d already cut out the Jack of Hearts scans, so I started by glueing on on the scrapbook paper background (the scrapbook paper is to cut the print for the invitation I didn’t use.) I bought the red handmade paper at a …

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Laura’s Crown

I call this one “Laura’s Crown” because of the crown and because it reminds me of my sister’s style. She has a wealth of papers, paper cutters, and decorative fasteners.  Most of her creations look very tidy, unlike mine which don’t feel complete unless something had to be cleaned up afterwards. The card on this …

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