Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Tree Angel

I thought I ought to post pictures of our tree angel while she was still in one piece.  She took a tumble while we were decorating this year, and the ceramic head broke at the neck.  We managed to repair her, but she’s looking her age. I made her ten years ago. My favorite part …

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Cobalt-Grid Porcelain bowl

When I was in Japan, I used to do cobalt underglaze on porcelain more than anything else. It was a style born out of the fact that I can’t read glaze colors in Japanese.  There are a lot of traditional designs and motifs, usually used on fabric, which lend themselves well to the concave surface …

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Mermaid Mask Book

  Fellow artist Jane Cheek gave me some fabric dyes, and I decided to try them out on a book cover.  I started out with a calico that had spiral patterns on it. After all, using just plain fabric wouldn’t be much of a change over using paper.  Some of the fabric dyes stain just …

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Cobalt-Fish Scale Porcelain Bowl

This is my favorite of the traditional Japanese designs I use on pottery.  Because of the way that the design has to change in order to fit inside the bowl, it never turns out the same way twice. I love hex-based designs as well, but when you do hexagonal designs on a curved surface, it …

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Gloom Cookies

I saw these on a comic, and thought that they were just about the funniest things I’d seen, so I had to make some for my friend Jessica, who has a black sense of humor (like me!) As for the technique, they are “icebox cookies” from the Joy of Cooking cookbook, with Pillsbury vanilla frosting …

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