Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Scribo Crow Book

This book has endpapers that resemble shiny aubergine colored cloth.  Its cover has a base of gessoed cotton.  I wanted to use collage images, but I’m finicky about stealing work from others, so I used stuff I had lying around. The words are lines from my short story ‘Emily’s Fifth Birthday’ cut into strips and …

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Colored Glass Fish

Once I got my colored rods, I went crazy with practicing making fish. These took me several hours to make.

Glass Horse

I made this for my second daughter, who prefers horses to swans.

Glass Bottles

These are small glass bottles I made in borosilicate class. They are quite challenging to make, which is most of the reason I’m fond of them.

Clear Glass Sea Monster

I made this the same day I made the clear glass fish. It cracked in a few places. Oops. Forgot to keep it consistently heated. Guess even borosilicate has limits. It’s about four inches long and two and a half inches tall.