Catherine Cheek

Catherine "Kater" Cheek is a writer and artist.

Author's posts

Violet glass

I’ve made a whole series of these in different colors. I meant to use them, but when I take one down from the windowsill, the others don’t look right.

Blue lampshade

This is my first attempt at a drop lampshade, and since it came at the end of my second class, it was successful. I would have liked more white on the inside and more solid color on the outside, but I think it will look beautiful when I get it wired.

Hodge Podge Paperweight

To make the inside of this paperweight, I used the “hodge podge” frit, which was all the scraps of frit that got contaminated with other colors. I think it looks better than any one or two colors used individually.

Blue violet glass

I’m a few weeks behind on posting my creations, because I like to leave each photo up for a few days before I post the next one. At this rate it will be May before I post what I’m working on now. Stay tuned for my lampworking fish and my newest little books.

Green and Gold lampshade