Book Review: Redshirts

Redshirts by John Scalzi The first three chapters of this book were available as a preview on Scalzi’s blog, and after I read them, I kept thinking about the story and wondering where it was going to go. Finally picked up a copy and finished out the story. It’s almost like there are four different …

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Keyhole Sprig Mug 1

I wanted to make ceramic gifts for some people I care about, so I had in my mind I would use sprigs to decorate the sides of coffee cups. Everyone can use coffee cups, right? I went through a lot of planning to make sure that they would be just what I wanted.  Since the …

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Book Review: Gone Girl

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn Half epistolary, half true-crime-style narrative, this book amazed and compelled me. It starts out when Amy, Nick’s wife, has gone missing. Nick dutifully calls the police, then starts to fall apart as the evidence that he murdered Amy piles up. Amy’s story begins in her journal, as she tells about …

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New Publication! Poisoned Bluestripe & The Machine and Her Mahout

I just published two of my old hard sf stories for your enjoyment.  Currently they are free on Smashwords and 99 cents on Kindle. Here’s the smashwords link. Here’s the Kindle link. It should be available on Nook and Sony and itunes and all the rest in a few days. If anyone finds a new …

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Book Review: Behemoth

Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld I think this is just as good as the first book, with the same strengths and weaknesses as Leviathan. It takes place in an early 20th century Istanbul. Best parts of this book: fun characters, fast pace, tight plotting, fascinating settings. I love the character of Devin/Deryn, and her relationship with …

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