Ironically, I made this one after I made the blue goblet. I say ironic, because it’s kind of mutant in comparison. I was shooting more towards a pilsner glass shape rather than a martini glass. Somewhere along the way, it got out of shape and I never got it back on shape again.
May 09
Book Review: Jesus Land
Jesus Land by Julia Scheeres This memoir falls squarely into the “my childhood was worse than your childhood” category. And you know what? She wins. (Not that this is a category that anyone really wants to win.) The sadness of the Scheeres’ childhood hit me harder than any other memoir of childhood I’ve read. Even …
May 07
Free Book!
May 06
Blue Goblet
I made this cup thinking it would be a good front-runner in the goal to create a birthday present for my friend. He likes to drink Manhattans, which are traditionally drunk out of a martini glass. I asked David Vogt how to make one, and he demonstrated. this doesn’t quite have the martini shape, but …
May 03
Book Review: So Good They Can’t Ignore You
So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport This book bills itself as the antithesis of “What Color is Your Parachute.” It promotes the idea, as does Newport’s Studyhacks blog, that following your passion is bad advice. This is definitely a self-help book, …