Book Review: The Wild Boys

The Wild Boys, by Travis Heerman I read an ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) of this book, and had no backflap, so I wasn’t sure what kind of story I was getting into. It starts out with Mia, a high school girl in Omaha. She has trouble fitting in because for one, she’s new and two, …

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Steampunk Shino Bowl 2

Steampunk Shino Bowl

Book Review: The Nerdest way

The Nerdist Way by Chris Hardwick I can’t remember what enticed me to pick up this audiobook, except that I’m kind of a sucker for self-help books, and one that is designed to be used by “nerds” has a cute angle. I’ve never heard of Chris Hardwick, and am not familiar with any of the …

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Blue Steampunk Bowl 2