Red and White Ornament

This is one of the more successful ornaments I made at the workshop eariler this month. One of the changes they’d made at the MAC glass studio since I’d been there the last time is that the frit is in larger pieces. It makes it harder to pick up, but the colors can be more …

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Book Review: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling I wanted to like this book more than I did, because a person whose taste I agree with gave it to me as a gift. If you know and like Mindy Kaling’s work, and you want an inside view into what sort of person she is …

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Ornament workshop, revisited

I took another of the glass blowing one day workshops at the Mesa Art Center in early December. I do so love playing in the hotshop, but it’s frustrating that the only one day workshops were available as and listed as “no experience required.” On one hand, I like that people have a chance to …

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Book Review: Dog Inc.

Dog, Inc.: The Uncanny Inside Story of Cloning Man’s Best Friend by John Woestendiek This is the kind of book I usually like very much–topical science written for the layperson. It starts out good; the subject is narrow enough to really delve into it, and Woestendiek knows to use biographical information to create a narrative …

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Year of the Pig Book

The name of this book came from the epoxy sticker on the front. My friend sent it to me from Japan, home of the most wonderful stationary stores I’ve ever seen. She sent it in the year of the pig, a few years ago, and I couldn’t bear to part with it, so I put …

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