Postcard: Stamps

For the front of this I collaged several pieces of paper together, which looks good, but isn’t as practical because so many of the glues tend to allow the paper to curl up at the edges.  Some of the cancellation marks were existent already on the stamps, some were ones I added from my stamp collection, and …

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Postcard: Chandelier

This was one of the first postcards I made for this series, before I actually researched the USPS guidelines, so I have to use a 44 cent stamp to mail it. I couldn’t cut it smaller, because I’d alrady made the little frame on the inside (you can see the writing behind it). I am …

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Book Review: Julie and Julia

Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen by Julie Powell There’s a certain type of people who believe that a New York address and having done something attention-grabbing and arduous is the only necessary prerequisite for writing a memoir. However, other memoirs have taught me these traits do not automatically instill the necessary writing …

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Postcard: Witch Calendar

These images are not creative commons because they don’t belong to me. They’re from one of my favorite artists, Jennifer Hewitson, from one of the Llelwyn press Witches’ calendar. I adore this art so much that I kept the calendar for years after it (2007) was no longer useful. I just couldn’t bear to throw …

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Postcard: Three Cups

The first image, you may recognize from the Morgan Tarot, one of my favorite tarot decks. I have more than one deck, and this is not the first time I’ve used the cards as part of my craft projects. I just love the imagery so much. On top of the image, I used pale embossings …

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