I love the images of the birds from the top photo. It’s from a calendar that my sister-in-law had for 2010. Each month had one of those collage images on this nice heavy cream colored weave paper. They threw it out when they moved, but I fished it out of the trash and have used …
Nov 07
Postcard: Real Art Tulip
This is another one where I piggybacked on other people’s art. These papers are too beautiful not to showcase. In this case, instead of adding an oak leaf, I added an embossing from a stamp that says “Real Art Has the Capacity to Make Us Nervous.” On the back, I used a different sheet of …
Nov 03
Book Review: It’s What He Would’ve Wanted
It’s What He Would’ve Wanted: A Novel by Sean Hughes If jokes about suicide make you chuckle, then you might enjoy IT’S WHAT HE WOULD’VE WANTED by Sean Hughes. It’s very dark, set in London, and not for the squeamish or demure. Sean Hughes is billed on the back flap as a famous humorous writer. …
Nov 03
Postcard: Oak Leaf
This was a good excuse to use some of that cool artsy crap that I tend to hoard in preparation for a project which never occurs. There are some things which I purchase simply because they are too cool to not own, and then they are too cool to actually use for anything. I’m trying …
Oct 31
Postcard: Bird and Map
This one was a postcard that I did a lot more to, but it didnt’ turn out as well. I took the time to cut this bird image off of a piece of art paper I have, and I pasted it down on the blue background, and then I embossed the image of the map …