Snacks for a Long Voyage Shrine

This shrine was inspired by a trip to Texas I did last year with my family. It’s a long, brutal drive from Phoenix to Dallas, so I bought a lot of snacks for my kids, the kind of snacks they don’t usually get. I bought candy and chips and cheetoes and juice boxes and basically …

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Book Review: Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins I was watching a cooking show once where a chef won a contest by making a simple dish. The other chefs complained that she had made something too rustic, too simple, but the judges said that a good dish done flawlessly will win over a complex dish …

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Book Review: Fallen

Fallen by Lauren Kate What do you get when you have a beautiful teenage girl at a creepy boarding school where she meets a couple of cute boys who are both interested in her? Well, in the case of FALLEN, you have a promising YA supernatural romance that loses it in the last three chapters. …

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Four Color Silkscreen

My sister-in-law gave me a silkscreening kit that included this generously sized silkscreen frame. Since I don’t usually do art this large, I decided to use the screen for four different shots so that I could try my hand at a multi colored silk screen. I started by looking for something inspirational. Since I have …

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Book Review: The Figure in the Shadows

The Figure In the Shadows by John Bellairs I read this book as a child. In fact, it was one of my favorite books. It was one of the few books which made the short list of books I read over and over again. I remember that it was the second in a series, and …

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