Book Review: War

War by Sebastian Junger I bought this book on spec, mostly because of the strength of Junger’s other book THE PERFECT STORM, the book by which all other maritime disaster accounts are held up to (and usually found lacking). In WAR, Junger takes on the war in Afghanistan. He follows a platoon for fifteen months …

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Mosaic Terra Cotta Pot

I’ve had this terra cotta pot under my studio table for just about a year, waiting for the project I wanted to do with it.  Finally, I decided that I needed a pot for some succulents, so now was the time. I started by coming up with a short phrase to put around the lip. …

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Book Review: Incognito, The Secret Lives of the Brain

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman INCOGNITO is at its heart, a pop science book about neurology. I saw this in the bookstore and pegged it as interesting, but didn’t realize I’d read something else by this author until holding the book in my hands. Eagleman is the author of the …

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Book Review: Dance With Dragons

A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin I enjoyed this book, not like an oenophile enjoys a nice glass of wine, but the way a crackhead enjoys a shiny new vial of poison. If you’ve been reading the Song of Ice and Fire, you know that a series based on plot twists, cliffhanger endings, …

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Ceramic Ball

This looks a lot like a smiley ball without a face, doesn’t it?  I wanted to do something as close to a sphere as I could manage, just because it’s pretty easy and it’s sometimes nice to have a heavy ball to roll around in your hands. I coated it with red iron oxide (as …

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