A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin I’ll have to agree with the general assertion that this is the weakest novel in the Song of Ice and Fire series. I’ve heard the story that this and DANCE WITH DRAGONS were meant to be a single novel, and that GRRM had to split them into …
Jul 23
Book Review: Spark
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey My friend recommended this to me as good solid research for how exercise improves your brain. Not only does exercise make you think faster, it also improves your mood, makes you live longer, and can reverse soem of the effects of …
Jul 18
Embossed Mug
I didn’t feel much like throwing this class session, so I decided to try some alternative pottery ideas. This is one of them. My friend had some plastic embossing strips for ceramic artists, and she used them to make a cool mug. I made this mug, which didn’t turn out quite as cool because there …
Jul 17
Why There are Tomatoes Rotting in the Kitchen
Dear Blog Friends, I finally discovered the cause of a common household problem, and have put my analysis into a handy chart for you. Note this works for just about any type of produce, snack, or food that the kids decide one day that they can’t get enough of and the next that they are …
Jul 14
Book Review: Red Seas Under Red Skies
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch This is the second book in Scott Lynch’s “Gentleman Bastards” series, but I don’t think you have to have read THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA to appreciate it. Lynch’s world is an amazing tapestry of fantasy cultures. Cities have infrastructure of ancient techonolgies, bondsmagi alter lives like …