Book Review: Microserfs

Microserfs by Douglas Coupland This book is lauded as the zeitgeist manifesto of Generation X, and to some extent, that’s true. It takes place in the mid-nineties, in Redmond, WA and Silicon Valley, and if you lived through that time (and especially if you were in your early twenties in that time) Microserfs will hit …

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Seeing Things, Part 11: paper books and cover design fallout

Dear Blog Friends, My right arm has been hurting for about a week, and I finally figured out why: Mouse Elbow.  Yup. Too much time with gimp.  So, I’m going to take a break from cover design for a while, even though (because) it is SO MUCH FUN now that I’ve figured out some of …

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Book Review: Mechanique-A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti

Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti by Genevieve Valentine You will never read another book quite like this one: lyrical, charming, dark, and very, very steampunk. It’s a tale of the circus, of acrobats with copper bones, of a war-torn post apocalyptic society, and of two people drawn together by their desire for a …

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“Mean Little Kitty” & “Waiting Room at the Hero League”

Dear Blog Friends, Well, I’ve been a busy woman this weekend. I got two new stories up and published on Smashwords.  The link is here. These are much funnier than the last pairings of short stories. Both of these humorous fantasy short stories involve cats. The A side, “Mean Little Kitty” is available for the …

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Collaged Backgrounds

These are three paintings/collages I did to use as the background images for my cover art. The red one will be for my first novel, SEEING THINGS, which will be out on Smashwords and Kindle by September 1st of this year.  The green will be its sequel, TREEMAKER and the blue will be for the …

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