Cobalt Stamp Plate 4

I’ve resisted using rubber stamps in my pottery before, preferring the ones I’ve made myself out of bisqued clay, but I shouldn’t have. Rubber stamps are available in so many different designs, and there are things you can do with stamps that you can’t do with any other tool.

Seeing Things, Part 4: Media Frustrations

Dear Blog Friends, Wow! Thanks for all your support and advice. Right now it feels like I’ve been drinking from the fire hose.  I’ve read a lot of different blog posts about people who have epublished. Here are some of the links I went to, many of which were provided by my partner-in-crime (and sister-in-law) …

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Cobalt Stamp Plate 3

Except for the first one, all these plates have a very similar design.  This one has a glaze flaw on the edges. This is what happens when the cobalt carbonate is too thick.

Novel Story

Just a reminder, if you want to come over to, you can read more about the progress of my epublishing project.  Look for Seeing Things, a new urban fantasy, due out September 1st, 2011.

Seeing Things, Part 3: Dream Settings

Dear Blog Friends, I got a new twitter account, if you want to follow it.  The name is Seabingen.  Seabingen is the name of the city that I set my first novel in, and right now it’s the name of the whole series set in that town. I know that sounds like a strange name, …

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