When I was in fifth grade, we had an assignment were we had to plan for an imaginary trip to another country. I was an extremely bright and diligent student, and moreover, I’d planned for trips before. My family took us camping every year. My responsibility on camping trips was to make a list of the …
Feb 03
Mosaic Tiles 2
Here are three of the different colors of tiles I made during this session. The black and yellow ones were underglaze applied to the fired clay, then wiped off to expose the texture. The green ones show the texture because of the ultra-transparent nature of the glaze. I love transparent glazes for the way they …
Jan 31
Big Critter’s Crown
This is the crown that Big Critter made. She also didn’t like a radially symmetrical design. She sketched what she was thinking of, and I helped her design it. For the shiny gold parts, she drew a design with hot glue, and then applied gold leaf directly to the cooled glue. It works very well. …
Jan 30
Book Review: Love, Honor, & Negotiate
Love, Honor and Negotiate: Making Your Marriage Work by Betty Carter I read a lot of self help books, but I haven’t read a lot of self help books on how to make one’s marriage work. The authors are Betty Carter, who has been a therapist for decades, and Joan Peters, who made it readable. …
Jan 28
Little Critter’s Crown
When I made my crown, I made it radially symmetrical, and it didn’t occur to me that the kids would want anything else. However, they are people, and people have their own minds. Little Critter wanted it more like a tiara, and she wanted swans. It took some doing, but I was able to oblige. …