The Heartbreaking Raven

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Book Review: Orange is the New Black

Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman Yes, I read this because I enjoyed the television show that was based off of this memoir. So let’s just get that out of the way. I know they say “never judge a book by its movie” which also goes for television shows, but for me it’s …

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Blue and White Hollow Book

  This was another attempt at making a hollowed-book clutch purse for my friend’s birthday. As it turns out, it’s very easy to cover a book with cloth. Plain thin calico adheres beautifully to paper. the inside of this book also worked, and I liked the pattern, but when I was gluing it, I had …

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Book Review: Lock In

Lock In by John Scalzi I’d been hearing about this book for months before it came out, and kept checking to see if my hold at the library had been filled yet, when I decided not to wait anymore and just buy the audiobook. They gave me the choice between Amber Benson and Wil Wheaton …

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Blue Buckled Book

  This was my first successful book clutch purse. The ones I saw online had handles, but I felt the handles outsized the book. It’s only  maybe 8x10x1 3/4. I’d purchased the blue ribbon for a clasp and handles, but it’s a little thinner and flimsier than I like. It’s not terrible, but it wasn’t …

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