Category: Art

Eggs One and Two

These are two of the eggs that I made in the same off-mandrel lampworking technique class.  Now you can see what the amber nests were for. The polka dotted one I made so I could practice dot control, but I left it in the heat too long and the bottom got scorched.

Amber Nests, three and four

These were made by reaming molten glass with a graphite reamer.  To make the frozen drop crown shape, I pulled out petals by using tweezers, a technique we use to make easy flowers in hotshop.

Amber nests, one and two

I made these in an off-mandrel technique class I took at the Mest Art Center from Laurie Nessel.  The technique used for this involves stringers, and it’s an excellent way of practicing stringer control.  It reminded me a lot of coil building a pot.

Knight of Cups

Anyone who’s familiar with the Morgan-Greer tarot will realize I lifted this design from that card; the Roman helm is quite distinctive.  Because the backgrounds were mostly stylized landscapes, I didn’t have as much call to use red and purple. That’s what the cloaks are for!

Eight of Cups

The background scenery here reminds me a lot of the Glen Canyon resevoir in northern Arizona.  The patchiness of the glaze doesn’t work against the overall design as much in this tile.