Tag: sci fi

Book Review- Engaging the Enemy

Engaging the Enemy by Elizabeth Moon I liked this book, and I liked it well enough to immediately go out and purchase the next in the series, but I think in many ways it’s the weakest of the novels. Or maybe I’m just over the excitement of Pirates! In Space! and am starting to notice …

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Book Review: Marque and Reprisal

Marque and Reprisal by Elizabeth Moon I’ll tolerate a dull non-fiction, but a fiction book has to, above all else, be entertaining. If judging by that one criteria, this book succeeds admirably. I’m already most of the way through the third (15+hour!) audiobook in this series, and I haven’t even cracked the nonfiction I’m reading …

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New Publication! Poisoned Bluestripe & The Machine and Her Mahout

I just published two of my old hard sf stories for your enjoyment.  Currently they are free on Smashwords and 99 cents on Kindle. Here’s the smashwords link. Here’s the Kindle link. It should be available on Nook and Sony and itunes and all the rest in a few days. If anyone finds a new …

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Book Review: Old Man’s War

Old Man’s War by John Scalzi I read this book because it came with a bundle of books by other authors for my kindle. I’d read THE GOD ENGINES and have been to Scalzi’s blog, so I’d heard of this book and decided to give it a try. I liked THE GOD ENGINES very much, …

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